Online team cup

Will be held Nov. 16, 2024




Tournament rules are the usual online tournaments rules (described here: with the following exceptions:

1. Playing on platform mahjongsoul ( !
2. The tournament is held among teams consisting of 4 players each. Points of every member of the team are summed up to constitute total team ranking. The team that has the most total points after all the hanchans is the winner.
3. Fixed seating is used and is designed in such a way that players from the same team never play each other.
4. If only 3 out of 4 players from the team confirm their participation by the tournament start they may get a substitute player as their 4th team member. Substitute player gets -30000 points in every hanchan. If only 2 or fewer players from the team confirm their participation before the tournament start, the team is automatically disqualified.
5. There is an individual ranking as well: personal results are accounted for the online rating (
6. Registration will be closed one day before the tournament (15 November at 07-00 UTC time).

All team members must spell the same team name exactly to the case, be careful!

Games start at 7:30 AM UTC (10:30 AM Moscow Time).

On the tournament date before 7:20 AM UTC all the players should join Discord channel and confirm that they are going to participate.

The tournament consists of 7 hanchans, the team that gets the highest total score (including Uma) becomes the winner of the tournament.

Login through Pantheon to apply for tournament


# Name City Majsoul nickname Team
1 Grishchenko Aleksandra Grishchenko A. Grishchenko Aleksandra Korolyov ilinsar
2 Egorov Ilya Egorov I. Egorov Ilya Moscow KABANCH1K Дайсанген
3 Обухова Александра sashok Два косаря
4 Дейтеро Кирилл Самара Deutero Два косаря
5 Шматко Александра Samara SW@G Два косаря
6 Павел Семушин Samara craus Два косаря
7 Tyurkina Karina Tyurkina K. Tyurkina Karina Saint Petersburg 花梨奈 Диалог
8 Zhuravlev Andrei Zhuravlev A. Zhuravlev Andrei Saint Petersburg Andrey_mc2 Диалог
9 Maximov Andrei Maximov A. Maximov Andrei Saint Petersburg an_ Диалог
10 Sychev Ivan Sychev I. Sychev Ivan Saint Petersburg Dungen_Master Диалог
11 Никоненко Ярослав Барнаул Yarik КRЯQ
13 Gubanova Kristina Gubanova K. Gubanova Kristina Barnaul selesta КRЯQ
14 Sanzharov Roman Sanzharov R. Sanzharov Roman Barnaul RomanS КRЯQ
15 Grishin Viktor Grishin V. Grishin Viktor Vidnoye SHIMMER Мерцание
16 Ermolaev Andrei Ermolaev A. Ermolaev Andrei Sarov Probe Мерцание
17 Ryabov Aleksandr Ryabov A. Ryabov Aleksandr Moscow gurinosuka Мерцание
18 Ratnikova Anna Ratnikova A. Ratnikova Anna Samara Vokinlem Мимо-мастер
19 Tumanina Valentina Tumanina V. Tumanina Valentina Samara tiana Мимо-мастер
20 Kolpakov Denis Kolpakov D. Kolpakov Denis Perm RainCat Мимо-мастер
21 Pakshaev Konstantin Oslo Derinov Мимо-мастер
22 Zaviyalov Anton Zaviyalov A. Zaviyalov Anton Kirov lorencio Многочуние
23 Dergunov Aleksey Dergunov A. Dergunov Aleksey Moscow dalex Самарские мигранты
24 Melkov Dmitrii Melkov D. Melkov Dmitrii Samara melmelmel Самарские мигранты
25 Sharafutdinova Gulnara Sharafutdinova G. Sharafutdinova Gulnara Samara gulyash Самарские мигранты
26 vitcorplumewcj 南京 魂之所向 Самарские мигранты
27 Orlova Yuliya Orlova Y. Orlova Yuliya Samara sole Фигляры
28 Melnikov Ilya Melnikov I. Melnikov Ilya Samara bakafractal Фигляры
29 Kanafeev Rustam Kanafeev R. Kanafeev Rustam Samara RyukoMatoi Фигляры
30 Катя Котец KateKotets Фигляры
31 Tumanin Andrei Tumanin A. Tumanin Andrei Samara qweqwe123 ШРМТА
32 Денис Безруков DennisB ШРМТА
33 Вячеслав Васильев oldstaff ШРМТА
34 Kirill Samara C7tyhunter ШРМТА