Maksimovskiy Vasiliy
From Moscow, Russia
EMA: 15990373
Table with all ratings where a player was counted
Rating | Place | Scores |
Internal rating (RR) | 7 | 644.78 |
Online rating | 64 | 457.99 |
Latest tournaments
# | Base rank | Place | Date | Type | Tournament |
1 | 522 | 12/24 |
CRR | Riichi never changing |
2 | 467 | 58/108 |
RR | SPB Riichi Open 2023 |
3 | 304 | 17/24 |
CRR | Meeting in the billiard room |
4 | 622 | 43/112 |
RR | Moscow Riichi 2022 |
5 | 1000 | 1/68 |
RR | Tenpai can't buy happiness |
6 | 851 | 8/48 |
RR | Agari team tournament |
7 | 574 | 21/48 |
ONLINE | Demons of autumn wind |
8 | 1000 | 1/16 |
ONLINE | 北斗 Tournament 3: STAR EATER |
9 | 484 | 17/32 |
ONLINE | 北斗 Tournament 2: RESURRECTION |
10 | 462 | 22/40 |
ONLINE | Demons of winter wind |