Lisikhin Alexey
From Irkutsk, Russia
EMA: 15020013
Table with all ratings where a player was counted
Rating | Place | Scores |
Online rating | 3 | 762.54 |
Latest tournaments
# | Base rank | Place | Date | Type | Tournament |
1 | 388 | 42/68 |
ONLINE | Double Tournament with Naga |
2 | 851 | 8/48 |
ONLINE | Demons of autumn wind |
3 | 680 | 25/76 |
RR | Saint Petersburg Open 2021 |
4 | 816 | 17/88 |
ONLINE | Winter Team Fight |
5 | 930 | 4/44 |
ONLINE | Demons of spring wind |
6 | 692 | 13/40 |
ONLINE | Spring Online Tournament |
7 | 988 | 2/84 |
ONLINE | No Dora Tournament |
8 | 548 | 15/32 |
ONLINE | 北斗 Tournament 2: RESURRECTION |
9 | 774 | 8/32 |
OTHER | Web dragon tournament |
10 | 955 | 4/68 |
ONLINE | Winter Online Tournament |