Zaviyalov Anton

From Kirov, Russia


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Internal rating (RR) 138 179.54
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 170 179.54

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 407 36/60 2025-02-16 RR White Wolf Cup
2 526 10/20 2025-01-04 CRR Dirty Riichi
3 427 52/90 2024-10-13 RR Moscow Riichi 2024
4 429 21/36 2024-06-16 ONLINE Shimmer League
5 168 90/108 2024-05-12 RR X Russian Championship
6 299 48/68 2023-07-02 ONLINE Double Tournament with Naga
7 560 34/76 2022-11-06 RR IX Russian Riichi Championship
8 467 9/16 2022-07-03 CRR Vyatka rooster
9 0 56/56 2022-06-26 ONLINE Summer Online Tournament
10 51 38/40 2021-12-12 ONLINE Winter Online Tournament profile

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Statistics for lorencio

Rank: 二段, 70 / 800pt

Last played date: 2023-07-09

Latest places:
4 3 4 2 4 4 1 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 3

Collected yakumans
Yakuman Date Log
Suu ankou 2022-08-01 link

Mahjong Soul profile

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Statistics for lorencio

Four players: Adept III, 817 / 1000

Sanma: Adept II, 334 / 800