Zaviyalov Anton

From Kirov, Russia


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Internal rating (RR) 147 252.54
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 146 300.62
Online rating 37 226.39
Trueskill rating 253 22.106
Online Trueskill rating 270 18.659

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 407 36/60 2025-02-16 RR White Wolf Cup
2 526 10/20 2025-01-04 CRR Dirty Riichi
3 427 52/90 2024-10-13 RR Moscow Riichi 2024
4 429 21/36 2024-06-16 ONLINE Shimmer League
5 168 90/108 2024-05-12 RR X Russian Championship
6 299 48/68 2023-07-02 ONLINE Double Tournament with Naga
7 560 34/76 2022-11-06 RR IX Russian Riichi Championship
8 467 9/16 2022-07-03 CRR Vyatka rooster
9 0 56/56 2022-06-26 ONLINE Summer Online Tournament
10 51 38/40 2021-12-12 ONLINE Winter Online Tournament profile

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Statistics for lorencio

Rank: 二段, 70 / 800pt

Last played date: 2023-07-09

Latest places:
4 3 4 2 4 4 1 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 3

Collected yakumans
Yakuman Date Log
Suu ankou 2022-08-01 link

Mahjong Soul profile

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Statistics for lorencio

Four players: Adept III, 928 / 1000

Sanma: Adept II, 334 / 800