Mishakova Lubov

From Moscow, Russia

EMA: 15990266


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Online rating 45 605.19

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 467 9/16 2024-06-22 ONLINE Royale roulette
2 317 29/42 2024-03-02 ONLINE Spring online tournament 2024
3 761 17/68 2023-07-02 ONLINE Double Tournament with Naga
4 943 3/36 2022-09-11 ONLINE Autumn Online Tournament
5 782 13/56 2022-06-26 ONLINE Summer Online Tournament
6 559 50/112 2022-06-12 RR Moscow Riichi 2022
7 149 41/48 2021-12-19 RR Agari team tournament
8 410 24/40 2021-12-12 ONLINE Winter Online Tournament
9 356 57/88 2021-11-14 ONLINE Winter Team Fight
10 855 9/56 2021-11-06 RR Kirov Tournament

Tenhou.net profile

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Statistics for Yuukolch

Rank: 四段, 680 / 1600pt

Last played date: 2024-09-16

Latest places:
4 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2

Current month

Games: 31, Avg. place: 2.39, Last played date: 2024-09-16

Lobby Games Avg. place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Joukyuu 31 2.39 19.35 38.71 25.81 16.13
Collected yakumans
Yakuman Date Log
Suu ankou tanki 2023-02-03 link
Kokushi Musou 2022-09-29 link
Suu ankou 2022-05-31 link
Kokushi Musou 2021-07-11 link

Mahjong Soul profile

more information

Statistics for YuukoIch

Four players: Master I, 434 / 2800

Sanma: Adept III, 231 / 1000