Meshin Vitaliy
From Novosibirsk, Russia
EMA: 15020005
Table with all ratings where a player was counted
Rating | Place | Scores |
Internal rating (RR) | 79 | 446.99 |
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) | 82 | 473.20 |
Online rating | 4 | 722.15 |
Latest tournaments
# | Base rank | Place | Date | Type | Tournament |
1 | 179 | 56/68 |
ONLINE | Double Tournament with Naga |
2 | 171 | 30/36 |
ONLINE | Autumn Online Tournament |
3 | 923 | 4/40 |
ONLINE | Winter Online Tournament |
4 | 630 | 11/28 |
ONLINE | Autumn Online Tournament |
5 | 226 | 25/32 |
ONLINE | I wish to have dora san... |
6 | 395 | 27/44 |
ONLINE | Summer Online Tournament |
7 | 163 | 37/44 |
ONLINE | Fast and Expensive |
8 | 205 | 32/40 |
ONLINE | Spring Online Tournament |
9 | 181 | 69/84 |
ONLINE | No Dora Tournament |
10 | 484 | 17/32 |
OTHER | Web dragon tournament |
Mahjong Soul profile
Statistics for Benawi
Four players: Saint I, 2151 / 4000
Sanma: Master II, 2170 / 3200