Danchenkov Vladimir

From Samara, Russia

EMA: 15990372

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date Aug. 12, 2023 (latest changes Aug. 12, 2023).

79 place (335.07).

max_coefficients = (4.20 * 1 + 3.75 * 1 + 4.05 * 0.71 + 2.80 * 1) = 13.642914999999999

p1 = (954.02 * 3.75 * 1 + 72.07 * 4.05 * 0.71 + 0 + 0 + 0) / (3.75 * 1 + 4.05 * 0.71 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 392.6291997803569

p2 = (954.02 * 3.75 * 1 + 72.07 * 4.05 * 0.71) / max_coefficients = 277.51327337302916

score = 392.6291997803569 * 0.5 + 277.51327337302916 * 0.5 = 335.071236576693

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2023-08-12 80 -> 79 321.82 -> 335.07

Moscow Riichi 2022: 86% -> 71%

2023-07-28 82 -> 80 321.82
2023-07-20 84 -> 82 321.82
2023-07-06 85 -> 84 321.82
2023-07-03 86 -> 85 321.82
2023-06-19 88 -> 86 321.82
2023-06-12 91 -> 88 309.87 -> 321.82

Moscow Riichi 2022: 100% -> 86%

2023-06-11 104 -> 91 238.36 -> 309.87

Money can not buy tenpai: 0% -> 100%

2021-02-01 141 -> 104 324.48 -> 238.36
2020-02-01 141 324.48


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 954 2023-06-11 5/88 100% 3.75 RR Money can not buy tenpai
2 72 2022-06-12 104/112 71% 4.05 RR Moscow Riichi 2022
3 414 2019-12-15 66/112 0% 4.05 EMA VIII Russian Riichi Championship
4 581 2019-05-26 14/32 0% 2.40 EMA Norwegian Open Riichi Tournament 2019
5 632 2019-02-24 8/20 0% 1.30 CRR Mahjong tournament at the Intellectual Games Festival 2019
6 190 2018-12-16 52/64 0% 3.45 EMA White Dragon Tournament
7 110 2018-11-18 82/92 0% 3.80 EMA VII Russian Riichi Championship "Aki Shanten"
8 1000 2018-02-25 1/16 0% 1.20 CRR Tournament
9 91 2017-02-26 11/12 0% 1.10 CRR Mahjong tournament at the Intellectual Games Festival 2017