Cheremisin Pavel

From Moscow, Russia


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Online Trueskill rating 178 22.272

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 84 77/84 2021-03-21 ONLINE No Dora Tournament
2 212 79/100 2020-11-01 ONLINE Riichi Online Open Team Cup
3 662 25/72 2020-06-14 ONLINE Summer Tournament
4 415 80/136 2020-05-24 ONLINE Riichi Online Open Team Cup
5 449 60/108 2020-05-10 ONLINE Spring tournament
6 764 30/124 2020-04-26 ONLINE Be cool stay home
7 396 85/140 2020-04-12 ONLINE Corona go away