Bychkova Nina

From Novosibirsk, Russia

EMA: 15020023


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Internal rating (RR) 175 220.82
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 171 282.17
Online rating 114 28.98

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 157 71/84 2019-05-04 EMA Haru Shanten 2019
2 600 23/56 2019-01-05 EMA Snow Dragon
3 789 5/20 2018-10-21 CRR Awakening of the rising sun dragon
4 391 15/24 2018-08-12 RR Siberian riichi
5 0 52/52 2018-04-08 ONLINE Spring online tournament 2018
6 488 23/44 2018-02-10 ONLINE Winter online tournament 2018
7 935 3/32 2018-01-05 RR Russian riichi championship by JPML-B rules
8 217 19/24 2017-08-13 EMA Siberia Cup 2017
9 787 11/48 2017-02-25 ONLINE Winter riichi-blitz 2017
10 0 36/36 2017-01-05 RR Quick discard 2017

Mahjong Soul profile

more information

Statistics for Mau_nsk

Four players: Adept II, 214 / 800