Bondarev Alexandr

From Perm, Russia

EMA: 15020044


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 102 223.35

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 93 69/76 2022-11-06 RR IX Russian Riichi Championship
2 403 41/68 2022-03-20 RR Tenpai can't buy happiness
3 491 29/56 2021-11-06 RR Kirov Tournament
4 916 10/108 2020-05-10 ONLINE Spring tournament
5 228 96/124 2020-04-26 ONLINE Be cool stay home
6 571 28/64 2019-11-04 EMA Aki Shanten 2019
7 909 2/12 2019-07-06 CRR Perm Half Marathon
8 478 13/24 2019-06-16 RR URAL Mahjong Battle
9 651 30/84 2019-05-04 EMA Haru Shanten 2019
10 421 12/20 2019-02-10 RR Fuyu Shanten 2019 profile

more information

Statistics for BADy

Rank: 初段, 260 / 400pt

Last played date: 2024-04-14

Latest places:
4 4 1 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 3

Collected yakumans
Yakuman Date Log
Daisangen 2022-12-23 link