Kapger Galina

From Perm, Russia

EMA: 15020086


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Trueskill rating 192 22.633

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 359 26/40 2020-03-08 EMA Big open chiitoitsu in a small tenpai
2 79 59/64 2019-11-24 EMA Saint Petersburg Open 2019
3 540 30/64 2019-11-04 EMA Aki Shanten 2019
4 185 23/28 2019-09-08 RR And yet the sinner collects tanyao
5 723 24/84 2019-05-04 EMA Haru Shanten 2019
6 913 3/24 2019-03-09 RR Toi-Toi-man Tournament
7 818 11/56 2019-01-05 EMA Snow Dragon
8 220 72/92 2018-11-18 EMA VII Russian Riichi Championship "Aki Shanten"
9 593 12/28 2018-08-11 RR Natsu Shanten 2018
10 739 7/24 2018-07-28 RR Seven ryanmens

Tenhou.net profile

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Statistics for kovavka

Rank: 二段, 300 / 800pt

Last played date: 2020-09-03

Latest places:
4 4 2 2 4 1 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 2

Current month

Games: 1, Avg. place: 2.00, Last played date: 2020-09-03

Lobby Games Avg. place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Joukyuu 1 2.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00