Grigoryan Andrey

From Saint Petersburg, Russia


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 178 112.13

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 43 23/24 2023-04-22 CRR Fire cup 2023
2 548 15/32 2023-02-25 CRR Earth cup
3 538 19/40 2022-08-27 CRR Sun tournament
4 360 49/76 2021-11-28 RR Saint Petersburg Open 2021
5 373 53/84 2021-03-21 ONLINE No Dora Tournament
6 224 53/68 2021-01-10 ONLINE Winter Online Tournament
7 404 60/100 2020-11-01 ONLINE Riichi Online Open Team Cup
8 387 20/32 2020-10-11 ONLINE 北斗 Tournament
9 393 66/108 2020-05-10 ONLINE Spring tournament
10 602 50/124 2020-04-26 ONLINE Be cool stay home

Mahjong Soul profile

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Statistics for Papochka

Four players: Expert II, 123 / 1400

Sanma: Novice I, 0 / 20