Novikov Anton

Winner Yoroshiku League 2

From Saint Petersburg, Russia

EMA: 15990255

Player page

Online rating

Rating date Jan. 28, 2023 (latest changes Jan. 28, 2023).

22 place (584.17).

max_coefficients = (2.80 * 1 + 3.25 * 0.71 + 2.30 * 1) = 7.421475

p1 = (774.19 * 2.85 * 0.14 + 903.61 * 3.20 * 0.14 + 988.51 * 3.25 * 0.71 + 297.87 * 2.60 * 0.86 + 782.61 * 1.60 * 0.43 + 651.16 * 2.50 * 0.43 + 600 * 1.40 * 0.71) / (2.85 * 0.14 + 3.20 * 0.14 + 3.25 * 0.71 + 2.60 * 0.86 + 1.60 * 0.43 + 2.50 * 0.43 + 1.40 * 0.71) = 675.6806367294196

p2 = (988.51 * 3.25 * 0.71 + 651.16 * 2.50 * 0.43 + 297.87 * 2.60 * 0.86) / max_coefficients = 492.666215273918

score = 675.6806367294196 * 0.5 + 492.666215273918 * 0.5 = 584.1734260016688

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2023-01-25 19 -> 22 599.32 -> 584.17

Demons of spring wind: 57% -> 43%

2023-01-23 121 -> 19 443.12 -> 599.32
2021-02-01 121 443.12


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 298 2021-12-12 34/48 86% 2.60 ONLINE Demons of autumn wind
2 989 2021-11-14 2/88 71% 3.25 ONLINE Winter Team Fight
3 600 2021-10-10 7/16 71% 1.40 ONLINE 北斗 Tournament 3: STAR EATER
4 651 2021-07-25 16/44 43% 2.50 ONLINE Demons of spring wind
5 783 2021-06-13 6/24 43% 1.60 ONLINE NightJongers TAG Tournament
6 904 2021-03-21 9/84 14% 3.20 ONLINE No Dora Tournament
7 774 2021-03-07 8/32 14% 2.85 ONLINE 北斗 Tournament 2: RESURRECTION
8 507 2021-01-10 34/68 0% 3.00 ONLINE Winter Online Tournament
9 615 2020-12-20 16/40 0% 2.60 ONLINE Demons of winter wind
10 677 2020-10-11 11/32 0% 2.20 ONLINE 北斗 Tournament
11 783 2018-09-30 6/24 0% 2.00 ONLINE IORMC Qualifiers 2018
12 627 2016-08-27 20/52 0% 2.10 ONLINE Summer riichi blitz 2016