Ermolaev Alexey

Winner Yoroshiku League 2

From Kirov, Russia

EMA: 15990340


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Online rating 34 518.68

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 609 10/24 2024-12-01 CRR Riichi never changing
2 500 8/15 2024-09-21 ONLINE IORMC Qualifiers 2024
3 747 25/96 2024-09-01 RR SPB Riichi Open 2024
4 371 23/36 2024-06-16 ONLINE Shimmer League
5 714 3/8 2024-05-26 ONLINE TEKPON
6 897 12/108 2024-05-12 RR X Russian Championship
7 617 42/108 2023-09-03 RR SPB Riichi Open 2023
8 67 15/16 2023-08-26 CRR Riichi or die
9 356 57/88 2023-06-11 RR Money can not buy tenpai
10 478 13/24 2022-12-18 CRR Meeting in the billiard room profile

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Statistics for Алёша

Rank: 六段, 540 / 2400pt, R1963

Last played date: 2024-12-22

Latest places:
3 4 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 1 4 4 3 1 3 3

Current month

Games: 14, Avg. place: 2.71, Last played date: 2024-12-22

Lobby Games Avg. place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Tokujou 14 2.71 14.29 21.43 42.86 21.43
Collected yakumans
Yakuman Date Log
Suu ankou tanki 2024-07-19 link
Kokushi Musou 2022-11-20 link
Suu ankou 2022-01-07 link

Mahjong Soul profile

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Statistics for PohuyRiichi

Four players: Master I, 818 / 2800