Agari Spring Tournament 2024

Held March 10, 2024, all results

Moscow, Russia




Library "Losev's House". Rimskaya/Ploshchad Ilyicha metro station.
Moscow, Novorogozhskaya street, 5

Contribution 2000 rubles.

Optimal number of participants 40
Maximum number of participants 52
Number of hanchans 9

Tournament Rules

EMA with Uma actors - 30/10
The Pantheon will be used to count game points. Players are recommended to have a smartphone with a functioning Internet connection.
There are no mulligans on 4 identical winds, on 9 terminals and advantages, on 4 riichi, on 4 channels.
Starting points are 30,000. The orasu dealer continues the game if he wins or draws, even if he has a lead in points. Hanchan ends with a win for the non-dealer or a note for the dealer in the event of a draw. Riichi sticks in the event of a draw in the orasu go to the leader on points. The Western round is not played.
From a minus on points you can throw riichi.
Displacement of chi is prohibited.
Open tanyao is allowed.
There is no Kazoe Yakuman, there is Renho (but there is a mangan), there is no nagashi mangan.
Atamakhane is not. In the case of double/triple ron, payments are made to each of the winning players, the renchans are paid according to the atamahan. Riichi sticks, if available, are returned to the winning players; excess riichi sticks are transferred to the atamahan.
The door indicator after an open channel opens immediately, before the player removes the tile to the discard after taking the replacement tile.
Hanchan lasts 75 minutes plus one or two hands depending on the remaining time.
The refereeing will be carried out by a non-playing referee: Evgeniy Burmistrov.
The stream from the first table voises are Khromov Kirill and Usmanov Ramil
Substitute players: Perov Nikita, Dashkova Anna, Timofeev Valentine

Tournament schedule

Day 1

10:00 Registration of participants
10:30 First hanchan
12:00 Small break 15 minutes
12:15 Second hanchan
13:45 Long break 1 hour
14:45 Third Khanchan
16:15 Short break 15 minutes
16:30 Fourth Khanchan
18:00 Small break 15 minutes
18:15 Fifth Khanchan
19:45 End of the first day

Day 2

10:00 Registration of participants
10:30 Sixth Khanchan
12:00 Small break 15 minutes
12:15 Seventh Khanchan
13:45 Long break 1 hour
14:45 Eighth Khanchan
16:15 Short break 15 minutes
16:30 Ninth Khanchan
18:00 Summing up the results and awarding the winners
18:45 End of the tournament

1-2 hanchan – random seating
3-7 khanchan – Swiss seating
8-9 khanchans – interval seating 1,3,5,7


Transfer money for the tournament to Tinkof at 89773264113. You can specify "tournament" in the comment.
The payment must be identifiable, so if you send it from “Pupkin Vasya”, add the participant’s last name and first name in the comments.
The first 52 participants who paid the fee will definitely play, the rest will be put on a waiting list and will be invited either as a replacement player or in place of someone who has decided to withdraw from the tournament.


If a participant has paid the fee and refuses a place, then a full refund is given when there are more than 2 weeks before the start of the tournament.
Partial refund of 50% of the fee when less than 2 weeks before the start of the tournament.
Non-refundable when less than a week before the start of the tournament.

About the site:

You can enter with shoe covers (they are available on site) or you can take a shift.
During breaks between hanchans, you can move freely around the library.
A water cooler, tea and cookies will be available.


# Name City Dan
1 Ignateva Polina Ignateva P. Ignateva Polina Moscow 初段 / Expert III
2 Danilov Aleksandr Danilov A. Danilov Aleksandr Moscow 三段 / Expert III
3 Proskuriakova Olga Proskuriakova O. Proskuriakova Olga Moscow 五段 / Master II
4 Egorov Ilya Egorov I. Egorov Ilya Moscow 三段 / Master II
5 Igumensheva Elena Igumensheva E. Igumensheva Elena Moscow 二段
6 Patrikeev Pavel Patrikeev P. Patrikeev Pavel Moscow 四段 / Expert III
7 Antonov Evgeny Antonov E. Antonov Evgeny Moscow 三段 / Master III
8 Aleksandrov Denis Aleksandrov D. Aleksandrov Denis Moscow 二段
9 Kiselev Maxim Kiselev M. Kiselev Maxim Saint Petersburg
10 Vasiliev Sergey Vasiliev S. Vasiliev Sergey Moscow
11 Yakutovich Alexey Yakutovich A. Yakutovich Alexey Moscow 初段
12 Sverlov Pavel Sverlov P. Sverlov Pavel Moscow
13 Melkov Dmitrii Melkov D. Melkov Dmitrii Saint Petersburg / Expert II
14 Bretslavskaya Elena Bretslavskaya E. Bretslavskaya Elena Megion
15 Bretslavskii Viktor Bretslavskii V. Bretslavskii Viktor Megion
16 Petrushchenko Sergey Petrushchenko S. Petrushchenko Sergey Moscow 三段 / Expert III
17 Dergunov Aleksey Dergunov A. Dergunov Aleksey Moscow Master III
18 Novikov Dmitriy Novikov D. Novikov Dmitriy Saint Petersburg 三段
19 Leontiev Alexey Leontiev A. Leontiev Alexey Moscow 九段
20 Maksimova Natalya Maksimova N. Maksimova Natalya Saint Petersburg
21 Aleshin Sergey Aleshin S. Aleshin Sergey Moscow 七段
22 Alekseeva Olga Alekseeva O. Alekseeva Olga Moscow 六段 / Expert III
23 Chernykh Anastasiya Chernykh A. Chernykh Anastasiya Moscow 四段
24 Plyasunov Vladislav Plyasunov V. Plyasunov Vladislav Moscow 五段
25 Klimenko Oleg Klimenko O. Klimenko Oleg Saint Petersburg 新人 / Expert III
26 Zhuravlev Andrei Zhuravlev A. Zhuravlev Andrei Saint Petersburg
27 Lavreniuk Irina Lavreniuk I. Lavreniuk Irina Moscow
28 Kotova Velena Kotova V. Kotova Velena Izhevsk
29 Klimov Andrey Klimov A. Klimov Andrey Moscow
30 Bykova Yulia Bykova Y. Bykova Yulia Arkhangelsk 四段
31 Smirnov Igor Smirnov I. Smirnov Igor Moscow
32 Oparin Konstantin Oparin K. Oparin Konstantin Moscow 五段 / Expert II
33 Ryabov Aleksandr Ryabov A. Ryabov Aleksandr Moscow 五段 / Master I
34 Демурчев Михаил Moscow
35 Sorokin Pavel Sorokin P. Sorokin Pavel Saint Petersburg 二段 / Expert III
36 Gabdullina Dinara Gabdullina D. Gabdullina Dinara Saint Petersburg
37 Knyazeva Anna Knyazeva A. Knyazeva Anna Moscow 2級 / Expert II
38 Gudin Andrey Gudin A. Gudin Andrey Moscow 六段 / Master II
39 Korobeynikov Vladimir Korobeynikov V. Korobeynikov Vladimir Moscow 二段
40 Verik Elena Verik E. Verik Elena Moscow
41 Grishchenko Aleksandra Grishchenko A. Grishchenko Aleksandra Korolyov Expert I
42 Заманова Есения Королев
43 Panina Tamara Panina T. Panina Tamara Domodedovo
44 Федоров Алексей Korolyov
45 Дружинина Александра Королев
46 Sirotkin Dmitry Sirotkin D. Sirotkin Dmitry Moscow 五段
47 Sviridova Valentina Sviridova V. Sviridova Valentina Moscow 三段
48 Chichigin Andrey Chichigin A. Chichigin Andrey Odintsovo 初段
49 Chichigina Natalya Chichigina N. Chichigina Natalya Odintsovo 二段