Vodilov Dmitriy

From Samara, Russia

EMA: 15020075


Table with all ratings where a player was counted

Rating Place Scores
Internal rating (RR) 24 657.30
Common russian riichi rating (CRR) 18 684.03
Trueskill rating 48 23.990

Latest tournaments

all player tournaments

# Base rank Place Date Type Tournament
1 810 9/43 2025-01-26 RR Riichi On Ice
2 537 45/96 2024-09-01 RR SPB Riichi Open 2024
3 937 6/80 2024-08-04 RR Riichi over Volga
4 766 12/48 2024-07-14 RR Guardian of the Winds
5 733 5/16 2023-08-26 CRR Riichi or die
6 231 31/40 2020-03-08 EMA Big open chiitoitsu in a small tenpai
7 651 23/64 2019-11-04 EMA Aki Shanten 2019
8 519 14/28 2019-09-08 RR And yet the sinner collects tanyao
9 667 10/28 2019-08-25 RR The Green dragon tournament
10 727 4/12 2019-07-06 CRR Perm Half Marathon

Tenhou.net profile

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Statistics for DiggaH

Rank: , / pt

Last played date: 2017-11-20