Rakhmankulov Rais

From Chelyabinsk, Russia

EMA: 15020043

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date Jan. 14, 2024 (latest changes Jan. 14, 2024).

163 place (113.48).

max_coefficients = (4 * 1 + 3.75 * 1 + 4.20 * 0.71 + 2.90 * 1) = 13.650060000000002

p1 = (185.19 * 2.30 * 1 + 315.79 * 2.10 * 1 + 0 + 0 + 0) / (2.30 * 1 + 2.10 * 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 147.17432432432432

p2 = (315.79 * 2.10 * 1 + 185.19 * 2.30 * 1) / max_coefficients = 79.786462477088

score = 147.17432432432432 * 0.5 + 79.786462477088 * 0.5 = 113.48039340070616

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2024-01-09 164 -> 163 113.48
2024-01-06 164 111.80 -> 113.48
2024-01-05 166 -> 164 111.80
2023-12-19 176 -> 166 111.80
2023-11-28 185 -> 176 111.80
2023-11-26 177 -> 185 112.07 -> 111.80
2023-11-06 182 -> 177 110.51 -> 112.07
2023-11-05 182 110.51

Finding Dora: 0% -> 100%


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 185 2023-11-05 23/28 100% 2.30 CRR Finding Dora
2 316 2023-08-27 14/20 100% 2.10 CRR 13 tiles until tempai
3 263 2018-03-18 15/20 0% 2.10 CRR Spring tournament (Ekaterinburg)
4 592 2017-11-12 30/72 0% 3.25 EMA Perm Riichi 2017 Aki Shanten
5 304 2017-07-30 17/24 0% 2.20 RR Summer EMA rules tournament 2017
6 129 2017-04-16 28/32 0% 2.20 RR Second riichi mahjong tournament, Chelyabinsk 2017
7 174 2017-01-29 20/24 0% 2.20 RR The first tournament of 2017
8 434 2016-03-13 57/100 0% 3.40 RR "Japanese House" riichi mahjong cup 2016
9 316 2016-02-07 14/20 0% 1.70 RR "Tiles, doras, 2 renchans"
10 696 2015-12-05 8/24 0% 1.80 RR 4 riichi mahjong tournament 2015
11 105 2015-09-27 18/20 0% 1.70 RR Plitochka
12 333 2015-08-29 11/16 0% 1.60 RR 3 riichi mahjong tournament 2015