Lesnenko Igor

From Samara, Russia

EMA: 15990277

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date March 29, 2025 (latest changes March 26, 2025).

119 place (358.86).

max_coefficients = (4.60 * 1 + 3.85 * 1 + 3.75 * 1 + 3.65 * 1) = 15.85

p1 = (962.03 * 3.65 * 1 + 261.90 * 2.60 * 1 + 0 + 0 + 0) / (3.65 * 1 + 2.60 * 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 453.22594594594597

p2 = (962.03 * 3.65 * 1 + 261.90 * 2.60 * 1) / max_coefficients = 264.50094637223975

score = 453.22594594594597 * 0.5 + 264.50094637223975 * 0.5 = 358.86344615909286

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2025-03-05 120 -> 119 358.86
2025-03-03 122 -> 120 358.86
2025-03-02 120 -> 122 358.86
2025-02-25 122 -> 120 358.86
2025-02-16 115 -> 122 358.86
2025-02-02 112 -> 115 358.86
2025-01-26 138 -> 112 330.92 -> 358.86

Riichi On Ice: 0% -> 100%

2020-02-01 138 330.92


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 262 2025-01-26 32/43 100% 2.60 RR Riichi On Ice
2 962 2024-08-04 4/80 100% 3.65 RR Riichi over Volga
3 1000 2019-02-24 1/20 0% 1.30 CRR Mahjong tournament at the Intellectual Games Festival 2019
4 540 2018-12-16 30/64 0% 3.45 EMA White Dragon Tournament
5 667 2018-02-25 6/16 0% 1.20 CRR Tournament
6 818 2017-02-26 3/12 0% 1.10 CRR Mahjong tournament at the Intellectual Games Festival 2017
7 609 2016-09-11 35/88 0% 3.45 EMA V Russian Riichi Championship 2016
8 455 2016-02-27 7/12 0% 1.10 CRR Mahjong tournament at the Intellectual Games Festival 2016