Serdyukov Egor

From Omsk, Russia

Player page

Online rating

Rating date July 11, 2024 (latest changes July 11, 2024).

12 place (429.82).

max_coefficients = (3.70 * 1 + 3 * 0.86 + 2.40 * 1) = 8.6713

p1 = (910.45 * 3 * 0.86 + 512.20 * 2.40 * 1 + 0 + 0 + 0) / (3 * 0.86 + 2.40 * 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 447.89432087614324

p2 = (910.45 * 3 * 0.86 + 512.20 * 2.40 * 1) / max_coefficients = 411.7375710677753

score = 447.89432087614324 * 0.5 + 411.7375710677753 * 0.5 = 429.8159459719593

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2024-07-11 13 -> 12 429.82
2024-07-02 12 -> 13 453.37 -> 429.82

Double Tournament with Naga: 100% -> 86%

2024-06-26 14 -> 12 453.37
2024-06-22 12 -> 14 453.37
2024-06-16 11 -> 12 507.03 -> 453.37
2024-05-11 12 -> 11 507.03
2024-04-28 7 -> 12 545.86 -> 507.03
2024-03-11 8 -> 7 530.69 -> 545.86
2024-03-02 8 530.69

Spring online tournament 2024: 0% -> 100%


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 512 2024-03-02 21/42 100% 2.40 ONLINE Spring online tournament 2024
2 910 2023-07-02 7/68 86% 3.00 ONLINE Double Tournament with Naga