Nemchinova Alena

From Samara, Russia

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date July 14, 2024 (latest changes July 14, 2024).

55 place (516.37).

max_coefficients = (4.60 * 1 + 4 * 1 + 3.75 * 0.86 + 3.05 * 1) = 14.864125000000001

p1 = (710.28 * 4 * 1 + 420.56 * 4.60 * 1 + 893.62 * 2.80 * 1 + 0 + 0) / (4 * 1 + 4.60 * 1 + 2.80 * 1 + 1 + 1) = 543.1216417910448

p2 = (710.28 * 4 * 1 + 893.62 * 2.80 * 1 + 420.56 * 4.60 * 1) / max_coefficients = 489.6238426412587

score = 543.1216417910448 * 0.5 + 489.6238426412587 * 0.5 = 516.3727422161518

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2024-07-14 96 -> 55 366.49 -> 516.37

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-06-11 99 -> 96 360.90 -> 366.49
2024-06-09 94 -> 99 360.90
2024-05-19 93 -> 94 360.90
2024-05-12 93 360.90

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 894 2024-07-14 6/48 100% 2.80 RR Guardian of the Winds
2 421 2024-05-12 63/108 100% 4.60 RR X Russian Championship
3 710 2023-09-03 32/108 100% 4.00 RR SPB Riichi Open 2023