Bozhedonov Aleksander

From Yakutsk, Russia

Player page

Online rating

Rating date July 24, 2022 (latest changes July 24, 2022).

121 place (278.50).

max_coefficients = (3.25 * 1 + 2.80 * 1 + 2.60 * 1) = 8.65

p1 = (641.03 * 2.60 * 0.43 + 232.56 * 2.50 * 1 + 404.26 * 2.60 * 1 + 0 + 0) / (2.60 * 0.43 + 2.50 * 1 + 2.60 * 1 + 1 + 1) = 285.6935902492708

p2 = (404.26 * 2.60 * 1 + 641.03 * 2.60 * 0.43 + 232.56 * 2.50 * 1) / max_coefficients = 271.3052023121387

score = 285.6935902492708 * 0.5 + 271.3052023121387 * 0.5 = 278.4993962807048

Rating changes


Date Place Points Reason
2022-07-21 123 -> 121 278.50
2022-07-16 123 273.12 -> 278.50
2022-07-12 124 -> 123 273.12
2022-07-01 127 -> 124 273.12
2022-06-26 124 -> 127 276.08 -> 273.12
2022-06-23 124 276.08


# Base rank Date Place Power Coefficient Type Tournament
1 404 2021-12-12 29/48 100% 2.60 ONLINE Demons of autumn wind
2 233 2021-07-25 34/44 100% 2.50 ONLINE Demons of spring wind
3 641 2020-12-20 15/40 43% 2.60 ONLINE Demons of winter wind