Tkachenko Ivan

From Sarov, Russia

EMA: 15990417

Player page

Online rating

Rating date Dec. 25, 2022 (latest changes Dec. 25, 2022).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2022-12-20 110 -> 121 261.14 -> 206.53

Demons of winter wind: 14% -> 0%

2022-12-18 111 -> 110 261.14
2022-12-17 112 -> 111 261.14
2022-12-15 113 -> 112 261.14
2022-12-12 115 -> 113 248.69 -> 261.14

Demons of autumn wind: 100% -> 86%

2022-11-25 107 -> 115 267.12 -> 248.69

Demons of spring wind: 71% -> 57%

2022-11-21 110 -> 107 267.12
2022-11-16 114 -> 110 267.12
2022-11-14 115 -> 114 260.83 -> 267.12
2022-11-10 117 -> 115 260.83
2022-11-07 104 -> 117 294.59 -> 260.83

北斗 Tournament 2: RESURRECTION: 43% -> 29%

2022-11-01 105 -> 104 294.59
2022-10-20 98 -> 105 324.60 -> 294.59

Demons of winter wind: 29% -> 14%

2022-10-11 99 -> 98 324.60
2022-09-25 95 -> 99 339.81 -> 324.60

Demons of spring wind: 86% -> 71%

2022-09-22 148 -> 95 365.97 -> 339.81
2021-02-01 148 365.97