Monakov Ilya

Moscow Champion 2015

From Moscow, Russia

EMA: 15990069

Player page

Online rating

Rating date March 21, 2023 (latest changes March 21, 2023).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2023-03-21 56 -> 69 400.69 -> 329.32

No Dora Tournament: 14% -> 0%

2023-03-14 56 391.92 -> 400.69
2023-03-12 58 -> 56 391.92
2023-03-07 59 -> 58 391.92
2023-02-20 56 -> 59 412.51 -> 391.92

Fast and Expensive: 43% -> 29%

2023-02-18 51 -> 56 444.85 -> 412.51

Spring Online Tournament: 29% -> 14%

2023-02-17 52 -> 51 444.85
2023-02-15 51 -> 52 444.85
2023-02-12 49 -> 51 461.01 -> 444.85

Demons of autumn wind: 86% -> 71%

2023-02-10 50 -> 49 461.01
2023-01-25 52 -> 50 461.01
2023-01-21 51 -> 52 478.83 -> 461.01

No Dora Tournament: 29% -> 14%

2023-01-14 52 -> 51 467.79 -> 478.83
2023-01-10 53 -> 52 467.79
2022-12-20 48 -> 53 519.76 -> 467.79

Demons of winter wind: 14% -> 0%

Fast and Expensive: 57% -> 43%

2022-12-18 35 -> 48 541.83 -> 519.76

Spring Online Tournament: 43% -> 29%

2022-12-12 36 -> 35 545.56 -> 541.83

Demons of autumn wind: 100% -> 86%

2022-11-25 38 -> 36 545.56
2022-11-21 32 -> 38 563.84 -> 545.56

No Dora Tournament: 43% -> 29%

2022-11-16 36 -> 32 563.84
2022-11-14 40 -> 36 551.82 -> 563.84
2022-11-10 41 -> 40 551.82
2022-11-07 40 -> 41 551.82
2022-11-01 43 -> 40 551.82
2022-10-20 44 -> 43 547.08 -> 551.82

Demons of winter wind: 29% -> 14%

Fast and Expensive: 71% -> 57%

2022-10-18 39 -> 44 562.90 -> 547.08

Spring Online Tournament: 57% -> 43%

2022-10-15 40 -> 39 562.90
2022-10-13 39 -> 40 562.90
2022-10-11 40 -> 39 562.90
2022-09-27 40 568.54 -> 562.90

IORMC Qualifiers 2020: 14% -> 0%

2022-09-25 43 -> 40 568.54
2022-09-22 19 -> 43 727.85 -> 568.54
2021-02-01 19 727.85