Mishakov Dmitriy

From Moscow, Russia

EMA: 15990173

Player page

Online rating

Rating date Dec. 10, 2022 (latest changes Dec. 10, 2022).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2022-11-25 112 -> 110 261.82
2022-11-21 114 -> 112 261.82
2022-11-16 117 -> 114 261.82
2022-11-14 112 -> 117 275.04 -> 261.82

Winter Team Fight: 100% -> 86%

2022-11-10 114 -> 112 275.04
2022-11-07 115 -> 114 275.04
2022-11-01 116 -> 115 275.04
2022-10-20 114 -> 116 287.51 -> 275.04

Fast and Expensive: 71% -> 57%

2022-10-18 115 -> 114 287.51
2022-10-17 116 -> 115 287.51
2022-10-15 117 -> 116 287.51
2022-10-13 118 -> 117 287.51
2022-09-25 119 -> 118 287.51
2022-09-21 118 -> 119 287.51
2022-09-17 119 -> 118 287.51
2022-09-16 120 -> 119 287.51
2022-09-14 121 -> 120 287.51
2022-09-13 122 -> 121 287.51
2022-09-11 115 -> 122 287.51
2022-09-10 116 -> 115 287.51
2022-09-07 117 -> 116 287.51
2022-09-01 118 -> 117 287.51
2022-08-20 115 -> 118 299.68 -> 287.51

Fast and Expensive: 86% -> 71%

2022-07-21 117 -> 115 299.68
2022-07-16 119 -> 117 293.83 -> 299.68
2022-07-12 120 -> 119 293.83
2022-07-01 122 -> 120 293.83
2022-06-26 118 -> 122 297.05 -> 293.83
2022-06-23 83 -> 118 538.43 -> 297.05
2021-02-01 3 -> 83 723.21 -> 538.43
2020-02-01 3 723.21