Maksimovskiy Vasiliy

From Moscow, Russia

EMA: 15990373

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date Dec. 20, 2023 (latest changes Dec. 20, 2023).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2023-12-19 58 -> 72 428.06 -> 394.96

Agari team tournament: 14% -> 0%

2023-12-18 59 -> 58 427.85 -> 428.06

Meeting in the billiard room: 100% -> 86%

2023-12-12 55 -> 59 443.28 -> 427.85

Moscow Riichi 2022: 57% -> 43%

2023-11-28 57 -> 55 443.28
2023-11-26 53 -> 57 444.56 -> 443.28
2023-11-20 44 -> 53 472.99 -> 444.56

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 43% -> 29%

2023-11-06 46 -> 44 464.85 -> 472.99
2023-10-27 47 -> 46 464.85
2023-10-19 46 -> 47 470.72 -> 464.85

Agari team tournament: 29% -> 14%

2023-10-12 42 -> 46 483.17 -> 470.72

Moscow Riichi 2022: 71% -> 57%

2023-09-28 44 -> 42 483.17
2023-09-20 37 -> 44 508.73 -> 483.17

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 57% -> 43%

2023-09-03 34 -> 37 480.15 -> 508.73

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 0% -> 100%

2023-08-26 33 -> 34 480.15
2023-08-19 26 -> 33 500.31 -> 480.15

Agari team tournament: 43% -> 29%

2023-08-12 27 -> 26 505.56 -> 500.31

Moscow Riichi 2022: 86% -> 71%

2023-07-28 28 -> 27 505.56
2023-07-20 25 -> 28 532.62 -> 505.56

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 71% -> 57%

2023-06-19 21 -> 25 550.71 -> 532.62

Agari team tournament: 57% -> 43%

2023-06-12 23 -> 21 553.54 -> 550.71

Moscow Riichi 2022: 100% -> 86%

2023-06-11 17 -> 23 576.53 -> 553.54
2023-05-28 18 -> 17 576.53
2023-05-20 15 -> 18 592.39 -> 576.53

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 86% -> 71%

2023-05-06 16 -> 15 592.39
2023-04-19 12 -> 16 609.65 -> 592.39

Agari team tournament: 71% -> 57%

2023-03-28 15 -> 12 609.65
2023-03-20 10 -> 15 623.53 -> 609.65

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 100% -> 86%

2023-03-06 12 -> 10 623.53
2023-02-19 9 -> 12 639.73 -> 623.53

Agari team tournament: 86% -> 71%

2023-01-28 12 -> 9 636.38 -> 639.73
2023-01-06 13 -> 12 636.38
2022-12-19 11 -> 13 649.13 -> 636.38

Agari team tournament: 100% -> 86%

2022-12-18 12 -> 11 633.57 -> 649.13

Meeting in the billiard room: 0% -> 100%

2022-11-28 13 -> 12 626.86 -> 633.57
2022-11-06 9 -> 13 644.78 -> 626.86
2022-07-03 8 -> 9 644.78
2022-06-12 9 -> 8 549.60 -> 644.78

Moscow Riichi 2022: 0% -> 100%

2022-06-10 28 -> 9 574.73 -> 549.60
2021-02-01 13 -> 28 712.48 -> 574.73
2020-02-01 13 712.48