Dergunov Aleksey

From Moscow, Russia

Player page

Internal rating (RR)

Rating date Jan. 26, 2025 (latest changes Jan. 26, 2025).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2025-01-26 13 -> 15 691.51 -> 680.66

Riichi On Ice: 0% -> 100%

2025-01-03 15 -> 13 687.27 -> 691.51

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 71% -> 57%

2024-12-11 15 683.81 -> 687.27

Money can not buy tenpai: 57% -> 43%

2024-11-03 18 -> 15 680.45 -> 683.81

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 86% -> 71%

2024-10-13 17 -> 18 667.01 -> 680.45

Moscow Riichi 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-10-11 19 -> 17 664.11 -> 667.01

Money can not buy tenpai: 71% -> 57%

2024-09-06 17 -> 19 664.11
2024-09-03 23 -> 17 647.19 -> 664.11

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 100% -> 86%

2024-09-01 20 -> 23 641.18 -> 647.19

SPB Riichi Open 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-08-11 21 -> 20 634.33 -> 641.18

Money can not buy tenpai: 86% -> 71%

2024-08-04 34 -> 21 559.08 -> 634.33

Riichi over Volga: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-14 40 -> 34 498.57 -> 559.08

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-06 42 -> 40 498.57
2024-06-11 45 -> 42 491.40 -> 498.57

Money can not buy tenpai: 100% -> 86%

2024-06-09 37 -> 45 514.62 -> 491.40

Agari Summer Tournament 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-05-12 45 -> 37 411.44 -> 514.62

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%

2024-05-06 48 -> 45 406.78 -> 411.44
2024-04-12 49 -> 48 408.86 -> 406.78

Moscow Riichi 2022: 29% -> 14%

2024-03-30 47 -> 49 405.39 -> 408.86

Seihoku spring tournament 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-03-20 41 -> 47 425.88 -> 405.39

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 14% -> 0%

2024-03-10 78 -> 41 247.00 -> 425.88

Agari Spring Tournament 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-03-06 80 -> 78 241.03 -> 247.00
2024-02-12 79 -> 80 253.13 -> 241.03

Moscow Riichi 2022: 43% -> 29%

2024-01-20 75 -> 79 272.83 -> 253.13

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 29% -> 14%

2024-01-06 79 -> 75 266.84 -> 272.83
2023-12-19 76 -> 79 284.44 -> 266.84

Agari team tournament: 14% -> 0%

2023-12-12 77 -> 76 293.65 -> 284.44

Moscow Riichi 2022: 57% -> 43%

2023-11-28 84 -> 77 293.65
2023-11-20 80 -> 84 310.77 -> 293.65

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 43% -> 29%

2023-11-06 84 -> 80 304.84 -> 310.77
2023-10-19 84 307.88 -> 304.84

Agari team tournament: 29% -> 14%

2023-10-12 84 315.22 -> 307.88

Moscow Riichi 2022: 71% -> 57%

2023-09-28 85 -> 84 315.22
2023-09-20 79 -> 85 330.33 -> 315.22

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 57% -> 43%

2023-09-06 80 -> 79 330.33
2023-09-03 61 -> 80 348.43 -> 330.33

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 0% -> 100%

2023-08-19 60 -> 61 359.82 -> 348.43

Agari team tournament: 43% -> 29%

2023-08-12 57 -> 60 365.62 -> 359.82

Moscow Riichi 2022: 86% -> 71%

2023-07-28 60 -> 57 365.62
2023-07-20 55 -> 60 375.08 -> 365.62

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 71% -> 57%

2023-07-06 57 -> 55 375.08
2023-06-19 55 -> 57 385.12 -> 375.08

Agari team tournament: 57% -> 43%

2023-06-12 54 -> 55 389.34 -> 385.12

Moscow Riichi 2022: 100% -> 86%

2023-06-11 45 -> 54 389.26 -> 389.34

Money can not buy tenpai: 0% -> 100%

2023-05-28 47 -> 45 386.50 -> 389.26
2023-05-20 46 -> 47 395.79 -> 386.50

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 86% -> 71%

2023-04-19 45 -> 46 402.46 -> 395.79

Agari team tournament: 71% -> 57%

2023-03-28 47 -> 45 399.12 -> 402.46
2023-03-20 47 407.24 -> 399.12

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 100% -> 86%

2023-03-06 46 -> 47 407.24
2023-02-19 46 413.80 -> 407.24

Agari team tournament: 86% -> 71%

2023-02-18 46 413.80