Bogachev Pavel

From Moscow, Russia

EMA: 15990322

Player page

Online rating

Rating date Feb. 22, 2023 (latest changes Feb. 22, 2023).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2023-02-20 25 -> 28 541.05 -> 529.29

Fast and Expensive: 43% -> 29%

2023-02-15 26 -> 25 541.05
2023-02-12 33 -> 26 531.06 -> 541.05

Demons of autumn wind: 86% -> 71%

2023-02-10 32 -> 33 531.06
2023-01-25 34 -> 32 531.06
2023-01-23 9 -> 34 781.16 -> 531.06
2021-02-01 6 -> 9 714.88 -> 781.16
2020-02-01 6 714.88