Skibin Anatoliy

From Ufa, Russia

EMA: 15020035

Player page

Internal rating (RR)

Rating date Oct. 11, 2024 (latest changes Oct. 11, 2024).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2024-10-11 81 -> 82 383.80
2024-09-06 84 -> 81 385.19 -> 383.80

IX Russian Riichi Championship: 29% -> 14%

2024-09-03 85 -> 84 379.64 -> 385.19
2024-09-01 74 -> 85 387.52 -> 379.64
2024-08-11 75 -> 74 385.84 -> 387.52
2024-08-04 64 -> 75 392.17 -> 385.84
2024-07-14 80 -> 64 336.61 -> 392.17

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-06 80 339.09 -> 336.61

IX Russian Riichi Championship: 43% -> 29%

2024-06-11 88 -> 80 334.52 -> 339.09
2024-06-09 83 -> 88 334.52
2024-05-12 105 -> 83 126.86 -> 334.52

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%

2024-03-10 97 -> 105 133.42 -> 126.86
2024-03-06 96 -> 97 144.91 -> 133.42

IX Russian Riichi Championship: 71% -> 57%

2024-02-12 97 -> 96 142.54 -> 144.91
2024-01-20 93 -> 97 169.11 -> 142.54

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 29% -> 14%

2024-01-06 91 -> 93 176.90 -> 169.11

IX Russian Riichi Championship: 86% -> 71%

2023-12-19 101 -> 91 176.90
2023-12-12 105 -> 101 174.15 -> 176.90
2023-11-28 111 -> 105 174.15
2023-11-20 104 -> 111 196.60 -> 174.15

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 43% -> 29%

2023-11-06 107 -> 104 202.03 -> 196.60

IX Russian Riichi Championship: 100% -> 86%

2023-10-19 108 -> 107 202.03
2023-10-12 109 -> 108 199.05 -> 202.03
2023-09-28 111 -> 109 199.05
2023-09-20 109 -> 111 218.50 -> 199.05

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 57% -> 43%

2023-09-03 91 -> 109 231.52 -> 218.50
2023-08-19 93 -> 91 231.52
2023-08-12 96 -> 93 227.36 -> 231.52
2023-07-20 96 243.20 -> 227.36

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 71% -> 57%

2023-07-06 97 -> 96 243.20
2023-06-12 97 239.21 -> 243.20
2023-06-11 79 -> 97 254.36 -> 239.21
2023-05-28 80 -> 79 252.61 -> 254.36
2023-05-20 77 -> 80 267.37 -> 252.61

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 86% -> 71%

2023-05-06 79 -> 77 267.37
2023-04-19 79 265.27 -> 267.37
2023-03-28 80 -> 79 263.19 -> 265.27
2023-03-20 77 -> 80 276.64 -> 263.19

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 100% -> 86%

2023-03-06 78 -> 77 276.64
2023-02-19 79 -> 78 275.05 -> 276.64
2023-01-28 79 272.66 -> 275.05
2023-01-09 81 -> 79 285.78 -> 272.66
2021-02-01 87 -> 81 425.59 -> 285.78
2020-02-01 87 425.59