Goncharenko Alexandr

From Tyumen, Russia

EMA: 15020094

Player page

Internal rating (RR)

Rating date Aug. 11, 2024 (latest changes Aug. 11, 2024).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2024-08-11 4 765.14 -> 773.82

Money can not buy tenpai: 86% -> 71%

2024-08-04 3 -> 4 753.08 -> 765.14

Riichi over Volga: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-14 17 -> 3 613.72 -> 753.08

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-06 19 -> 17 613.72
2024-06-11 20 -> 19 607.73 -> 613.72

Money can not buy tenpai: 100% -> 86%

2024-06-09 17 -> 20 607.73
2024-05-12 43 -> 17 414.30 -> 607.73

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%

2024-05-06 47 -> 43 410.02 -> 414.30
2024-04-12 48 -> 47 410.02
2024-03-30 45 -> 48 410.02
2024-03-20 42 -> 45 424.28 -> 410.02

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 14% -> 0%

2024-03-10 33 -> 42 455.32 -> 424.28
2024-03-06 35 -> 33 444.41 -> 455.32
2024-02-12 40 -> 35 434.88 -> 444.41
2024-01-20 42 -> 40 427.00 -> 434.88

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 29% -> 14%

2024-01-06 44 -> 42 417.95 -> 427.00
2023-12-19 45 -> 44 417.95
2023-12-12 46 -> 45 409.97 -> 417.95
2023-11-28 47 -> 46 409.97
2023-11-20 51 -> 47 402.80 -> 409.97

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 43% -> 29%

2023-11-06 57 -> 51 395.14 -> 402.80
2023-10-19 58 -> 57 395.14
2023-10-12 63 -> 58 388.35 -> 395.14
2023-09-20 69 -> 63 381.80 -> 388.35

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 57% -> 43%

2023-09-06 70 -> 69 381.80
2023-09-03 101 -> 70 175.85 -> 381.80

SPB Riichi Open 2023: 0% -> 100%

2023-08-19 102 -> 101 175.85
2023-08-12 103 -> 102 172.78 -> 175.85
2023-07-20 103 168.03 -> 172.78

Tenpai can't buy happiness: 71% -> 57%

2023-07-06 105 -> 103 168.03
2023-06-12 106 -> 105 165.35 -> 168.03
2023-06-11 52 -> 106 405.88 -> 165.35

Money can not buy tenpai: 0% -> 100%

2021-02-01 48 -> 52 570.44 -> 405.88
2020-02-01 48 570.44