Ermolaev Alexey

Winner Yoroshiku League 2

From Kirov, Russia

EMA: 15990340

Player page

Online rating

Rating date Feb. 17, 2023 (latest changes Feb. 17, 2023).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2023-02-17 34 -> 33 518.39
2023-02-15 35 -> 34 518.39
2023-02-13 34 -> 35 518.68 -> 518.39

NightJongers TAG Tournament: 43% -> 29%

2023-02-12 28 -> 34 543.70 -> 518.68

Demons of autumn wind: 86% -> 71%

2023-02-10 25 -> 28 558.59 -> 543.70

北斗 Tournament 3: STAR EATER: 71% -> 57%

2023-01-25 26 -> 25 549.89 -> 558.59

Demons of spring wind: 57% -> 43%

2023-01-23 15 -> 26 744.37 -> 549.89
2021-02-01 2 -> 15 726.77 -> 744.37
2020-02-01 2 726.77