Chernykh Svetlana

From Yekaterinburg, Russia

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date Oct. 18, 2024 (latest changes Oct. 18, 2024).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2024-10-18 62 -> 63 514.38
2024-10-13 59 -> 62 519.05 -> 514.38
2024-10-11 55 -> 59 528.53 -> 519.05

Money can not buy tenpai: 71% -> 57%

2024-09-03 57 -> 55 520.01 -> 528.53
2024-09-01 52 -> 57 532.12 -> 520.01
2024-08-27 48 -> 52 545.71 -> 532.12

13 tiles until tempai: 100% -> 86%

2024-08-18 47 -> 48 545.71
2024-08-11 46 -> 47 552.44 -> 545.71

Money can not buy tenpai: 86% -> 71%

2024-08-04 41 -> 46 562.95 -> 552.44
2024-07-14 55 -> 41 490.22 -> 562.95

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-06 57 -> 55 490.22
2024-06-11 56 -> 57 492.78 -> 490.22

Money can not buy tenpai: 100% -> 86%

2024-06-09 54 -> 56 492.78
2024-05-25 53 -> 54 492.78
2024-05-19 49 -> 53 492.78
2024-05-12 28 -> 49 563.01 -> 492.78

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%

2024-04-18 30 -> 28 563.01
2024-04-12 29 -> 30 563.01
2024-03-30 30 -> 29 563.01
2024-03-10 24 -> 30 575.78 -> 563.01
2024-03-06 24 563.95 -> 575.78
2024-02-25 41 -> 24 456.90 -> 563.95

Chasing Kan: 0% -> 100%

2024-02-18 42 -> 41 456.90
2024-02-12 43 -> 42 456.90
2024-01-20 45 -> 43 456.90
2024-01-06 47 -> 45 448.69 -> 456.90
2023-12-27 48 -> 47 448.69
2023-12-19 49 -> 48 448.69
2023-12-12 52 -> 49 448.69
2023-11-28 54 -> 52 448.69
2023-11-26 49 -> 54 450.01 -> 448.69
2023-11-20 50 -> 49 450.01
2023-11-06 52 -> 50 442.36 -> 450.01
2023-11-05 69 -> 52 380.75 -> 442.36

Finding Dora: 0% -> 100%

2023-10-22 68 -> 69 380.75
2023-10-19 70 -> 68 380.75
2023-10-12 75 -> 70 379.86 -> 380.75
2023-09-28 76 -> 75 379.86
2023-09-20 77 -> 76 379.86
2023-09-06 78 -> 77 379.86
2023-09-05 79 -> 78 379.86
2023-09-03 57 -> 79 392.34 -> 379.86
2023-08-27 57 392.34

13 tiles until tempai: 0% -> 100%