Belov Timofei

From Yekaterinburg, Russia

Player page

Common russian riichi rating (CRR)

Rating date Oct. 13, 2024 (latest changes Oct. 13, 2024).

Rating changes

Date Place Points Reason
2024-10-13 123 -> 90 323.29 -> 425.52

Moscow Riichi 2024: 0% -> 100%

2024-10-11 124 -> 123 323.29
2024-09-15 122 -> 124 323.29
2024-09-06 123 -> 122 323.29
2024-09-03 124 -> 123 318.06 -> 323.29
2024-09-01 111 -> 124 325.49 -> 318.06
2024-08-27 112 -> 111 325.49
2024-08-26 115 -> 112 325.49
2024-08-11 116 -> 115 323.90 -> 325.49
2024-08-04 111 -> 116 329.87 -> 323.90
2024-07-14 140 -> 111 218.25 -> 329.87

Guardian of the Winds: 0% -> 100%

2024-07-06 139 -> 140 218.25
2024-07-03 140 -> 139 218.25
2024-06-25 142 -> 140 218.25
2024-06-11 146 -> 142 214.99 -> 218.25
2024-06-09 138 -> 146 214.99
2024-05-25 135 -> 138 214.99
2024-05-19 133 -> 135 214.99
2024-05-12 173 -> 133 69.71 -> 214.99

X Russian Championship: 0% -> 100%

2024-05-05 172 -> 173 69.71
2024-05-01 173 -> 172 69.71
2024-04-27 174 -> 173 69.71
2024-04-25 173 -> 174 69.71
2024-04-17 174 -> 173 69.71
2024-03-30 164 -> 174 69.71
2024-03-20 171 -> 164 69.71
2024-03-10 168 -> 171 70.95 -> 69.71
2024-03-06 168 69.80 -> 70.95
2024-03-03 169 -> 168 69.80
2024-02-27 170 -> 169 69.80
2024-02-25 170 69.80

Chasing Kan: 0% -> 100%